Sunday, September 14, 2014


I know I use my job as a reference most of the time, but working retail, and being a manager in the field helps and exposes you quite a bit to how things work in marketing. They are starting construction on our only competition, right across the road from us. Although it is not finished, and will not be for a while, we have noticed that customers have been bringing in coupons from our competition that they thought was from us. The place isn't even built yet, but they are sending out coupons, and letting the public know that they are coming. There is a big pretty sign out by the road stating that they are coming, and it's even been advertised in the newspaper. We certainly hear the most of it. Their best way of reaching out to the public, advertising, sending out coupons, is our worse enemy. Although we have few customers state that they will always stay loyal to our name, we hear most say " I can't wait for that other store to open". The building for the store isn't even built, yet it seems that they are already one step ahead of us. They know the market they need to reach out to, and the advertisement and deals are too good to resist. That's what marketing can do for you. Hopefully I won't be out of a job within the next few months!

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