Saturday, September 27, 2014


 It never fails that when I'm in a large group of people, you hear that one ringtone or notification sound, and 95% of them are looking down at their phones to see if it was theirs. I always wonder why EVERYONE I see has an iPhone. When it came out, I figure it took off because of the previous devices they had with the Mac computer & iPod. It's a simple phone, the settings and apps are easy to figure out. I can see why most of the world likes them. They make connecting way easier in so many ways. I don't own one because I do not like to blend in with the crowd, I like to do my own thing. Plus, you can do SO MUCH more with any other phone but an iPhone. You just got to know how to do it. Although I can see why so many people are won over by iPhone. They constantly change, even if it's a simple feature like you can press a new button to turn the camera on. Every year they come out with a new phone, a new update to the software, and it sky rockets in price from anticipation and hype. They listen to their market, and put forth their demands they want in a phone. They advertise, hype up something new like crazy, and they get their moneys worth, even if the change is a bigger screen or a new way to unlock your phone. They keep it fresh, and slowly win the whole world over.

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